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My Experience with NEDA’s 1st In-District Advocacy Day
By Alicia Abdulrazzaq

Back in January I was cleaning out my emails. You know, the hundreds of unread ones that have been there for an eternity? It was time for them to go. Then, in between the “Today Only Sale” and “Free Shipping” headlines, I recognized an email from NEDA. “Hey - I read these!”, I told myself. It was an invite to join NEDA’s 1st In-District Advocacy Day during NEDAwareness Week. This would be my fourth NEDAwareness Week and I would typically recognize that week by spreading education, awareness, body positive messages, and anti-diet culture information through social media.

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By Brian Gilmore with Emma Gilmore (illustrations)

I knew these words before I ever remember hearing them spoken to me. They were lovingly repeated to me by my mother throughout my childhood and, as an individual adopted during my infancy, they provided a deep sense of security, love and connection to my family and the world.

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Weight Stigma Awareness Week (#WSAW) 2023 Recap
By NEDA Staff

Last year (2023), the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) look小站 - look小站:look小站,lookother.com,lookother,电脑chrome打不开网页,访问不了google,电脑如何谷歌,电脑科学上网,twitter,ins怎么下载注册使用,p站,老司机说的p站是什么,怎访问谷歌,google怎么访问,谷歌浏览器无法访问 (WSAW) as part of the recent merger with the Binge Eating Disorders Association (BEDA).

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Kentucky Passes First Eating Disorders Legislation
By Melissa Cahill, NEDA Volunteer

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NEDA is here to support you during the evolving COVID-19 outbreak. The health of our community, especially those who are most vulnerable to the virus' serious complications, remains paramount. To access resources that can provide free and low-cost support, please click here.

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